Conclave of RSETI Directors of Union Bank of India – A Brief Report
A 2-day Conclave of RSETI Directors of Union Bank of India was held on 2nd and 3rd March 2012 at Bankers’ Institute of Rural Development, Lucknow. To begin with, Sri P K Bansal, General Manager, Union Bank of India, ZO: Lucknow welcomed the dignitaries and the participants. In his welcome address
Sri Bansal said that Banks have a very important role to play in the growth of the country specially in arresting the unemployment problem. While the literate class will go for wage employment, the semi-literate and illiterate class should be shown the way for self-employment, he said.
Sri V M Potdar, Dy General Manager, UBI in his address highlighted the various initiatives of the Bank in the field of rural development since its inception and the contribution of the Bank in establishing 14 RSETIs across the country.
The Conclave was inaugurated by Smt Renuka Kumar, Dy Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, GOI, New Delhi. In her inaugural address, Smt Renuka Kumar outlined in detail the unemployment situation in the country and the pro-active role played by her Ministry in addressing this problem through a MOU signed with the National Academy of RUDSETI. She further emphasised that RSETI Directors should focus on quality training so that objective of settlement of trainees is achieved in letter and spirit.
Sri Janardhana, CPC gave a brief overview of the Conclave and requested the Bank officials and the Directors to receive the inputs with all its seriousness so that the RSETI, a concept replicated from the successful RUDSETI model can be a boon to the unemployed youth in the country.
Thereafter, Smt Renuka Kumar, Dy Secretary, MoRD made a presentation on the expectations from the Ministry in taking the RSETI movement on the lines of RUDSETI model based on which RSETIs have been replicated. She also requested the Bank executives to provide all support to the RSETIs so that the Directors can play a pivotal role in addressing the unemployment problem.
This was followed by a Micro Lab exercise administered to the participants by Sri N R Srinivasa Murthy, Director, NAR to unfreeze the participants of their inhibitions. After the lunch break,
Sri K N Janardhana presented a paper on ‘Journey from RUDSETI to RSETI’ and briefed the participants about the MoRD guidelines in running the RSETIs successfully. In his presentation
Sri Janardhana highlighted the role of sponsoring banks in providing requisite support to the RSETIs which will go a long way in meeting the objectives and philosophy of MORD, GOI.
Sri Janardhan also assured All the Directors/Regional heads/Bank executives present in the Conclave that the Monitoring Cell is ready to walk an extra mile with them in accomplishing the objectives of MORD in propagating RSETIs in the country. This was followed by sessions by Sri N R Srinivas Murthy on topics like Motivation – why and how?, Identification of Training needs, Methods of generation of applications, Selection of candidates for trainings, Methodology of organizing entrepreneurship awareness / motivation camps etc. This helped the participants to drive home the concept of RUDSETI.
The 2nd day of the Conclave started with a prayer followed by presentation of MILLY by few Directors. This was followed by an interaction by Sri O N Bansal, Project Director for RSETIs, NIRD, Hyderabad, wherein the issues pertaining to allotment of land and progress under construction of new campuses were discussed. Sri Bansal interacted individually with all the Directors and heard their problems in the area of allotment of land / construction of building and assured that NIRD will sincerely attempt to address all their issues relating to allotment of land and construction of building at the earliest.
Thereafter, the review of the performance of the RSETIs was taken up by Sri K N Janardhana in the presence of Bank’s executives. All the Directors made individual presentation highlighting the Training Programs organized by them till January 2012 and the same were reviewed thoroughly bringing out a SWOT of both the Director and the RSETI.
The Conclave concluded with valedictory address by Sri Chatterjee, Director, BIRD, Lucknow. In his valedictory address he lauded the RUDSETI concept that began way back in 1982 in addressing the unemployment problem of the country. Outlining the role of Directors at RSETIs, Sri Chatterjee advised them to feel proud of their assignment because their efforts will help the country in mitigating the problems of the unemployed youth.
The highlight of the Conclave was that the Union Bank of India, on its own had invited the seven Regional Heads of the Bank under whom 14 RSETIs are functioning across the country. This was a unique initiative by the Bank which is first of its kind and worth emulating by other Banks. The interactions with the RSETI Directors in the presence of Regional Heads were very purposeful. From the feedback received from the Regional Heads it was revealed that they got an insight into the RSETI concept which helped them not only to monitor the RSETIs under their command area but also to advise the branches to credit link the RSETI trained entrepreneurs.