Conclave of RSETI Directors of Canara Bank – A Brief Report
A 2-day Conclave of RSETI Directors of Canara Bank was held on 19th December 2011 at Bank’s Head Office, Bangalore.
Smt Archana S Bhargava, Executive Director inaugurated the Conclave. In her inaugural address, she recalled the initiatives of Canara Bank in rural development activities and called upon the RSETI Directors to carry forward the legacy with total commitment. She further requested the RSETI Directors to ensure that the results on the ground should be visible within a reasonable time frame. This was followed by a presentation by Smt Renuka Kumar, Dy Secretary, MORD, New Delhi about the expectations from the Ministry in promoting micro enterprises at the grass root level through RSETI intervention. She also emphasised on the Government’s intent to accord priority to BPL candidates and to ensure 70% settlement rate of the trained candidates.
Executives from the Canara Bank Centenary Rural Development Trust reviewed the performance of each RSETI in the presence of Dy Secretary, MORD and the Chief Project Co-ordinator, Monitoring Cell for RSETIs. During the review, the Executives of Canara Bank made it clear to the RSETI Directors that the achievement of targets given to them is non negotiable and the RSETIs need to achieve the targets. The Chief Project
Co-ordinator, during the review emphasised the need to conduct EAPs to create awareness and generate applications from the unemployed youth. He also identified the various gaps in the day to day functioning of the RSETIs and suggested remedial measures to bring in improvement in the RSETI functioning.
Dr R N Hegde, Project Co-ordinator for RSETIs, NIRD later on reviewed the status of land allotment and construction of RSETI campuses. He advised the Directors to take up the matter, if any, pertaining to land allotment etc. with MORD through the sponsoring Bank. This was followed by a session on ‘Journey from RUDSETI to RSETI’ by Sri K N Janardhana, Chief Project Co-ordinator wherein he briefed the participants about the MORD guidelines in running the RSETIs successfully. In his presentation, Sri Janardhana highlighted the role of sponsoring banks in providing support to the RSETIs which will go a long way in meeting the objectives and philosophy of MORD, GOI.
On the 2nd day, the Conclave was attended by Sri T Vijay Kumar, IAS, Joint Secretary, MORD, GOI. Sri Prabhakar Rao, General Manager, Rural Development Wing, Canara Bank made a presentation of various rural development activities of the Bank and requested the Joint Secretary to address the RSETI Directors.
Sri Vijay Kumar, in his address appreciated the efforts of Canara Bank in the rural development initiatives and said that the Ministry will be too keen to extend its helping hand in the efforts of the Bank. He recalled his experience that providing any charitable outlook over a performing task is undesirable and hence the Government is banking on Institutions sponsored by Banks who have the credibility to initiate RSETIs across the country.
Thereafter, Sri. H Somashekar, Director General, Sri D T Ramanuja, Director and Sri N R Srinivasa Murthy, Director, all from National Academy of RUDSETI made presentations on the best ways to improvise on the functioning of the Institutes.
The Conclave concluded with a very inspiring valedictory address by Dr D Veerendra Heggade, President, National Advisory Council for RSETIs. Dr.Veerendra Heggade, in his valedictory address traced the history of RUDSETI concept that began in 1982 in Ujire and lauded the efforts of the founders of Canara Bank who identified the needs of the common man rather than huge Corporates. The ideas sown by these great personalities have become great Institutions and RUDSETI which is one among them has spread its wings across the length and breadth of the country in the name and style as RSETIs, he said. Outlining the role of Directors at RSETIs, Dr Heggade advised them to focus on the role given to them with dedication.
Earlier Sri S Raman, Chairman & Managing Director, paid rich compliments to the contribution made by visionary leader, Dr D Veerendra Heggade in the area of rural development. In his address, he said that small ideas can build huge Institutions and RUDSETI/RSETI is one such standing example. Addressing the participants, Sri Raman advised the RSETI Directors to feel proud of their assignment because their efforts will help the country in mitigating the problems of the unemployed youth.